Very Jeff Chang 非常阿哲

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jeff Chang's New Album out in September

Track List :

01. 愛不危險 - Ai Bu Wei Xian
02. 空位 - Kong Wei
03. 冷太陽 - Leng Tai Yang
04. 幸福的力量 (feat. Olivia Ong) - Xing Fu De Li Liang
05. 好像愛情 - Hao Xiang Ai Qing
06. 別說 - Bie Shuo
07. 當時 - Dang Shi
08. 傷悲的嗜好 - Shang Bei De Shi Hao
09. 我看見 - Wo Kan Jian
10. 最初 - Zui Chu

Sunday, August 15, 2010


张信哲(阿哲)昨晚在Max Pavilion举行“幸福觉哲张信哲20巡回演唱会”全场爆满。阿哲和6500粉丝一同回味他20年的成长之路。除了回顾从1989年到现在的专辑和造型,以及他参与演出的电影和话剧,演唱会导演郭子还挖出了阿哲当年综艺节目打歌的画面。



  演唱会不玩噱头,也没有奇装异服,纯粹以好歌好嗓音征服观众。阿哲在近3小时的演唱会上,唱了超过25首自己的经典情歌,包括《别怕我 伤心》、《难以抗拒你容颜》、《我是真的爱你》、《太想爱你》等,干净清亮的好嗓音让粉丝们陶醉。阿哲在演唱《不要对他说》、《难以抗拒你容颜》、《爱如 潮水》等经典时,粉丝们也都投入地合唱,现场宛如大型KTV。

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Very Jeff Chang wishes 张信哲今晚演唱会圆满成功。

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jeff Chang: No regrets, just a lot of love

SINGAPORE: It has been 20 years since Taiwan crooner Jeff Chang won a singing contest and released his debut album in 1989.

It has been 20 years of writing and recording albums as well as performing for his legion of fans.

And as I found out in our recent conversation, for Chang, it has also been 20 years of fulfillment without an ounce of regret.

"This is a job I love. When you do what you love to do, it doesn't feel like work. You won't feel any regrets. Instead, you will pour yourself into it, even to the point of forgetting yourself," he said.

To commemorate his 20th year in showbiz and celebrate the creative freedom he gained after setting up of his own production company, Chang has embarked on his Happiness Choice World Tour and will perform at The Max Pavillion @ Singapore Expo on August 14.

According to Chang, the concert will be slightly different from what his fans are used to.

Unlike his previous concerts, he will not be focusing on special stage designs and will instead pay special attention to the list of songs he will perform, which will include classics such as "Love like the tide waters" and "Forgiving".

"The main focus will be on my most popular songs through the past 20 years, the key songs from my various albums and some songs requested by my fans.

"These are songs that helped people know me over these past 20 years. So I have not done any rearrangement of the music and wish to share these songs in their original form as much as possible," explained Chang, who added that his goal is to bring his fans back to the time when they first heard those songs.

"Music is a little like a time capsule. It can crystallise a time period such that when you hear a certain song, it really brings you back to that time period."

Mature Love

But does Chang, who is known as the "Prince of Love Ballads" for the string of hit ballads he had done, ever get tired of writing them?

"No. I don't really feel that I am trapped writing an endless series of love songs," he said, laughing heartily over the phone.

"Looking at it objectively, whether it is dance, rock or R&B or hip hop, most songs are still talking about relationships anyway, so it's really not any limitation."

However, the crooner believed that his music should evolve and will go in a new musical direction with his as yet unnamed new album that is scheduled for a September release.

"I hope the album expresses the relationships between people who are a little more mature and reflect their emotional states, as I have also reached a certain age," said the 43-year-old with a chuckle. "There is no need to hide it (his age)."

"I find that nowadays, music is geared towards the youth, talking about the love life of the younger people. People at my age, what kind of songs should we listen to? I hope to release songs that will reflect our lifestyles and views on relationships."

After all his talk about love, I couldn't resist the urge to pry into his personal life. Has the "Prince of Ballads" managed to snag someone or is he all talk (or song as the case may be)?

He laughed, as though he was anticipating this question, and then the phone fell silent for a few moments before coming to life again with his very short reply.

"Still like that," said Chang.

When I probed further, he finally relented.

"My love life has not been a vacuum. I am currently still single, but I had a number of relationships though they are in the past now," he said reluctantly.

When I commented that his love life must have been pretty eventful these recent years, he quickly corrected himself.

"There weren't that many (relationships)!" said Chang before graciously ending the interview.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008



Sunday, May 04, 2008


  • 歌 手:张信哲《逃生》(华/海蝶)
  • 可听度:★★★
  • 推荐曲:《残念》、《单车与跑车》


      张信哲新专辑的幕后人选别具心思,从M.C.Hot Dog、黄韵玲到陈小霞、罗大佑,新老组合为张信哲擦出不少音乐火花。

      专辑中,最有创意的是歌曲《单车与跑车》。想不到,张信哲可以把Hip-hop风格唱得如此斯文,效果还不赖。调皮爆笑的歌词唱道: “夜生活的夜景,有太多陷阱,有太多变形金刚会变成女生骗你……辣妹看得太多,反而喜欢陈绮贞。”单是联想张信哲和辣妹的组合画面,就够耐人寻味。 M.C.Hot Dog还在歌曲的rap部分“批评”张信哲说:“阿哲你太正经了,就像个阿Sir。”







  • Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    张信哲逃生 Jeff Chang Escape

    Jeff's latest album is out! Get yours today!

    1 残念 (Too Bad)
    2 逃生 (Escape)
    3 牡丹忧 (A Mother's Worries)
    4 可爱美眉 (Hot Chick)
    5 小木马 (Little Rocking Horse)
    6 最好的时光 (Best Days)
    7 牧羊人 (Shepherd)
    8 单车与跑车 (Bike or Wheels)
    9 长途旅行 (A Long Journey)
    10 天使的眼泪 (An Angel Cries)